Wednesday 14 October 2009

Thrillers Codes and Conventions

In our lesson we brain stormed some ideas of what we believed should be included in a successful thriller sequence. Some of the ideas were: Flash backs, supernatural, puzzles, jumpy music, dark lighting, suspense, mystery, cliff hanger, plot twist, unusual angles and many more.

All of these techniques can help add to the thriller effect. The main objective of a thriller film is to make the audience feel tense possibly surprising them; keeping them engaged with the film. This technique of creating or increasing tension and suspense, can be achieved by many different methods. One method to keep the audience on the edge of their seats, is too use music and sounds/noises. Jumpy music can be played to surprise the audience and introduce a jumpy part. Significant sounds to each film can create the same effect (e.g. a baby crying).

When making my own thriller opening sequence with my group, we shall try to input these ideas and methods into our piece. By doing so we can increase our chances into successfully forming a thriller sequence.

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